The InSPACE Team and Scientific Advisory Council

The InSPACE Investigator Team

  • Brian Saelens, PhD

    Brian E. Saelens, Ph.D. is a Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences at the University of Washington and Principal Investigator at Seattle Children’s Research Institute. A child clinical health psychologist by training, his research interests are in physical activity, healthy eating, and obesity treatment and prevention. His work includes the examination of policy, systems, and environmental influences on eating and activity behaviors, as well as the efficacy of family-based interventions for pediatric weight management. He is also interested in the application of equity frameworks to research and policy, systems, and environment change implementation. Dr. Saelens’ bibliography is available at:

  • Steve Mooney, PhD

    Steve Mooney’s core expertise is in developing and analyzing contextual influences on health. As a part of his National Library of Medicine funded K99/R00 project, he is currently developing software to automatically compile measures of neighborhood context for any location in the United States. He has analyzed such contextual variables in relation to health behaviors such as walking and outcomes such as cardiac arrest, and has developed the Neighborhood-Environment Wide Association Study (NE-WAS) design to bring agnostic data-driven approaches to this research domain. He has also worked extensively with GPS device data, during his doctoral career, as part of his K99/R00 project, and as part of a recently launched National Highway Transport Safety Administration project.

  • Adam Szpiro, PhD

    Dr. Adam Szpiro is Associate Professor in the Department of Biostatistics at the University of Washington. Dr. Szpiro develops statistical methods for research in Environmental Health. Current methodological projects include spatio-temporal exposure modeling, measurement error correction, supervised and unsupervised learning for spatial data, and control for unmeasured spatial and/or temporal confounding. Dr. Szpiro leads statistical analyses on studies of air pollution in major cohorts such as MESA Air, the NIEHS Sisters Study, and the Women's Health Initiative, is the head of the Data Center for the Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) Prenatal and Early Childhood Pathways to Health (PATHWAYS), and is the lead statistician for the Are Interventions Supporting Physical ACtivity modified by the Environment (InSPACE) consortium. Dr. Szpiro is engaged in Global Health research aimed at improving uptake of HIV treatment prophylaxis and treatment and HPV screening, and he was the founding director of the MS Capstone degree in Biostatistics at the University of Washington. Dr. Szpiro’s bibliography is available at

The InSPACE Scientific Advisory Council

  • Jim Sallis, PhD

    SAC Chair

  • Marc Adams, PhD

    SAC Member

  • Monica Baskin, PhD

    SAC Member

  • Ross Brownson, PhD

    SAC Member

  • Abby King, PhD

    SAC Member

  • David X. Marquez, PhD

    SAC Member

  • Tiffany Powell-Wiley, MD MPH

    SAC Member

Our Research Team

  • Maya Rowland, MPH

    Research Manager

  • Diana Prise

    Research Coordinator II

  • Muna Ibrahim

    Research Coordinator I

  • Selam Kidane

    Research Assistant

  • Amy Youngbloom, MPH

    Research Assistant